Postgres DDL DML Statements

Import postgresql

import psycopg2

Data Definition Language(DDL) Commands

CREATE  – Create Database or objects like table, index, function, views, store procedure and triggers.
DROP    – Delete objects from the database.
ALTER   - Alter the structure of the database.
TRUNCATE– Remove all records from a table (spaces allocated for the records are also removed.)
COMMENT – Add comments to the data dictionary.
RENAME  – Rename an object existing in the database.

Create Tables in Music DB

The database is from

Exported all the tables from MySql to csv files

from IPython.core.display import Image, display
PATH = "./"
Image(filename = PATH + "MusicDB.jpg", width=500, height=500)

ER Diagram

Create Database

Please provide your postgres username and password

con=psycopg2.connect("host= user= password=")
sqlCreatedb="create database " +name_db+";"

Show Database

sqlShowdb="select datname from pg_database;"
[('postgres',), ('student',), ('template1',), ('template0',), ('udacity',), ('musicdb',)]

Always close the existing connection before opening new databse connection

except psycopg2.Error as e:

Connect with the Musicdb

con=psycopg2.connect("host= dbname=musicdb user=postgres password=110484")

Create Tables for MusicDB

    sqlCreateArtist="create table artist(artist_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\
                    artist_name VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL,\
                    PRIMARY KEY (artist_id));"
except psycopg2.Error as e:
    print("Artist already created")
    sqlCreatealbum="create table album(artist_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, \
    album_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,album_name VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL,\
    PRIMARY KEY (artist_id,album_id),\
    FOREIGN KEY (artist_id) REFERENCES artist(artist_id));"
except psycopg2.Error as e:
    print("Album already created")
cur.execute("Select * from album")
cur.execute("Select * from artist")
    sqlCreatetrack="CREATE TABLE if not exists track (\
        track_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\
        track_name VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL,\
        artist_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\
        album_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\
        time DECIMAL(5,2) DEFAULT NULL,\
        PRIMARY KEY (artist_id,album_id,track_id),\
        FOREIGN KEY (artist_id)REFERENCES artist(artist_id),\
        FOREIGN KEY (artist_id,album_id) REFERENCES album(artist_id,album_id)\
except psycopg2.Error as e:
    print("track table already exists")
cur.execute("select * from track")
    sqlCreateplayed="CREATE TABLE played (\
    artist_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\
    album_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\
    track_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\
    PRIMARY KEY (artist_id,album_id,track_id,played),\
    FOREIGN KEY (artist_id) REFERENCES artist(artist_id),\
    FOREIGN KEY (artist_id,album_id) REFERENCES album(artist_id,album_id),\
    FOREIGN KEY (artist_id,album_id,track_id)REFERENCES track(artist_id,album_id,track_id)) "
except pyscopg2.Error as e:
    print("Table played already exists")
cur.execute("select * from played;")
f = open(r'C:\Users\tskir\Documents\SQL\Oracle Emp\PostgreSQL\musicDBCSV\artist.csv', 'r')
cur.copy_from(f, 'artist', sep=',')

cur.execute("select * from artist")
[(1, '"New Order"'), (2, '"Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds"'), (3, '"Miles Davis"'), (4, '"The Rolling Stones"'), (5, '"The Stone Roses"'), (6, '"Kylie Minogue"')]
f=open(r'C:\Users\tskir\Documents\SQL\Oracle Emp\PostgreSQL\musicDBCSV\album.csv','r')
cur.execute("select * from album")
[(1, 1, 'Retro - John McCready FAN'), (1, 2, 'Substance (Disc 2)'), (1, 3, 'Retro - Miranda Sawyer POP'), (1, 4, 'Retro - New Order / Bobby Gillespie LIVE'), (1, 5, '"Power, Corruption and Lies"'), (1, 6, 'Substance 1987 (Disc 1)'), (1, 7, 'Brotherhood'), (2, 1, 'Let Love In'), (3, 1, 'Live Around The World'), (3, 2, 'In A Silent Way'), (4, 1, 'Exile On Main Street'), (5, 1, 'Second Coming'), (6, 1, 'Light Years')]
import csv
f=open(r'C:\Users\tskir\Documents\SQL\Oracle Emp\PostgreSQL\musicDBCSV\track.csv','r')
cur.execute("select * from track")
[(0, 'Elegia', 1, 1, Decimal('4.93')), (1, 'In A Lonely Place', 1, 1, Decimal('6.26')), (2, 'Procession', 1, 1, Decimal('4.47')), (3, 'Your Silent Face', 1, 1, Decimal('5.99')), (4, 'Sunrise', 1, 1, Decimal('6.01')), (5, "Let's Go", 1, 1, Decimal('3.90')), (6, 'Broken Promise', 1, 1, Decimal('3.76')), (7, 'Dreams Never End', 1, 1, Decimal('3.20')), (8, 'Cries And Whispers', 1, 1, Decimal('3.42')), (9, 'All Day Long', 1, 1, Decimal('5.18')), (10, 'Sooner Than You Think', 1, 1, Decimal('5.21')), (11, 'Leave Me Alone', 1, 1, Decimal('4.67')), (12, 'Lonesome Tonight', 1, 1, Decimal('5.19')), (13, 'Every Little Counts', 1, 1, Decimal('4.47')), (14, 'Run Wild', 1, 1, Decimal('3.95')), (0, 'In A Lonely Place', 1, 2, Decimal('6.30')), (1, 'Procession', 1, 2, Decimal('4.46')), (2, 'Mesh', 1, 2, Decimal('3.44')), (3, 'Hurt', 1, 2, Decimal('6.98')), (4, 'The Beach', 1, 2, Decimal('7.32')), (5, 'Confusion', 1, 2, Decimal('7.64')), (6, 'Lonesome Tonight', 1, 2, Decimal('5.20')), (7, 'Murder', 1, 2, Decimal('3.93')), (8, 'Thieves Like Us', 1, 2, Decimal('6.95')), (9, 'Kiss Of Death', 1, 2, Decimal('7.05')), (10, 'Shame Of The Nation', 1, 2, Decimal('7.91')), (11, '1963', 1, 2, Decimal('5.63')), (0, 'Fine Time', 1, 3, Decimal('4.71')), (1, 'Temptation', 1, 3, Decimal('8.71')), (2, 'True Faith', 1, 3, Decimal('5.88')), (3, 'The Perfect Kiss', 1, 3, Decimal('4.83')), (4, 'Ceremony', 1, 3, Decimal('4.41')), (5, 'Regret', 1, 3, Decimal('4.14')), (6, 'Crystal', 1, 3, Decimal('6.83')), (7, 'Bizarre Love Triangle', 1, 3, Decimal('4.35')), (8, 'Confusion', 1, 3, Decimal('8.22')), (9, 'Round And Round', 1, 3, Decimal('4.52')), (10, 'Blue Monday', 1, 3, Decimal('7.48')), (11, 'Brutal', 1, 3, Decimal('4.83')), (12, 'Slow Jam', 1, 3, Decimal('4.88')), (13, 'Everyone Everywhere', 1, 3, Decimal('4.43')), (0, '"Ceremony [Studio 54, Barcelona 7/7/84]"', 1, 4, Decimal('4.82')), (1, '"Procession [Polytechnic of Central London, London 6/12/85]"', 1, 4, Decimal('3.57')), (2, '"Everything\'s Gone Green [Tolworth Recreation Centre, London 12/3/85]"', 1, 4, Decimal('5.25')), (3, 'In A Lonely Place [Glastonbury Festival 20/6/81]', 1, 4, Decimal('5.55')), (4, '"Age Of Consent [Spectrum Arena, Warrington 1/3/86]"', 1, 4, Decimal('5.04')), (5, 'Elegia [Glastonbury Festival 19/6/87]', 1, 4, Decimal('4.77')), (6, 'The Perfect Kiss [Glastonbury Festival 19/6/87]', 1, 4, Decimal('9.73')), (7, '"Fine Time [Popular Creek Music Theatre, Chicago 30/6/89]"', 1, 4, Decimal('5.04')), (8, '"World [Starplex Amphitheatre, Dallas 21/7/93]"', 1, 4, Decimal('4.81')), (9, 'Regret [Reading Festival 29/8/93]', 1, 4, Decimal('4.03')), (10, 'As It Is When It Was [Reading Festival 29/8/93]', 1, 4, Decimal('3.80')), (11, '"Intermission By Alan Wise [Olympia, Paris 12/11/01]"', 1, 4, Decimal('1.34')), (12, '"Crystal [Big Day Out, Gold Coast 20/1/02]"', 1, 4, Decimal('6.86')), (13, '"Turn My Way [Olympia, Liverpool 18/7/01]"', 1, 4, Decimal('4.96')), (14, '"Temptation [Big Day Out, Gold Coast 20/1/02]"', 1, 4, Decimal('7.79')), (0, 'Age Of Consent', 1, 5, Decimal('5.26')), (1, 'We All Stand', 1, 5, Decimal('5.24')), (2, 'The Village', 1, 5, Decimal('4.62')), (3, '5 8 6', 1, 5, Decimal('7.52')), (4, 'Your Silent Face', 1, 5, Decimal('6.00')), (5, 'Ultraviolence', 1, 5, Decimal('4.87')), (6, 'Ecstasy', 1, 5, Decimal('4.42')), (7, 'Leave Me Alone', 1, 5, Decimal('4.69')), (0, 'Ceremony', 1, 6, Decimal('4.42')), (1, "Everything's Gone Green", 1, 6, Decimal('5.51')), (2, 'Temptation', 1, 6, Decimal('6.99')), (3, 'Blue Monday', 1, 6, Decimal('7.49')), (4, 'Confusion', 1, 6, Decimal('4.72')), (5, 'Thieves Like Us', 1, 6, Decimal('6.61')), (6, 'Perfect Kiss', 1, 6, Decimal('8.04')), (7, 'Subculture', 1, 6, Decimal('4.80')), (8, 'Shellshock', 1, 6, Decimal('6.48')), (9, 'State of the Nation', 1, 6, Decimal('6.54')), (10, 'Bizarre Love Triangle', 1, 6, Decimal('6.74')), (11, 'True Faith', 1, 6, Decimal('5.93')), (0, 'State of the Nation', 1, 7, Decimal('6.56')), (1, 'Every Little Counts', 1, 7, Decimal('4.48')), (2, 'Angel Dust', 1, 7, Decimal('3.73')), (3, 'All Day Long', 1, 7, Decimal('5.21')), (4, 'Bizarre Love Triangle', 1, 7, Decimal('4.37')), (5, 'Way of Life', 1, 7, Decimal('4.11')), (6, 'Broken Promise', 1, 7, Decimal('3.80')), (7, 'As It Is When It Was', 1, 7, Decimal('3.77')), (8, 'Weirdo', 1, 7, Decimal('3.89')), (9, 'Paradise', 1, 7, Decimal('3.86')), (0, 'Do You Love Me?', 2, 1, Decimal('5.95')), (1, "Nobody's Baby Now", 2, 1, Decimal('3.87')), (2, 'Loverman', 2, 1, Decimal('6.37')), (3, 'Jangling Jack', 2, 1, Decimal('2.78')), (4, 'Red Right Hand', 2, 1, Decimal('6.18')), (5, 'I Let Love In', 2, 1, Decimal('4.25')), (6, 'Thirsty Dog', 2, 1, Decimal('3.81')), (7, "Ain't Gonna Rain Anymore", 2, 1, Decimal('3.77')), (8, 'Lay Me Low', 2, 1, Decimal('5.15')), (9, 'Do You Love Me? (Part Two)', 2, 1, Decimal('6.23')), (0, 'In A Silent Way', 3, 1, Decimal('1.81')), (1, 'Intruder', 3, 1, Decimal('4.87')), (2, 'New Blues', 3, 1, Decimal('5.58')), (3, 'Human Nature', 3, 1, Decimal('12.80')), (4, 'Mr. Pastorius', 3, 1, Decimal('3.54')), (5, 'Amandla', 3, 1, Decimal('5.87')), (6, 'Wrinkle', 3, 1, Decimal('7.28')), (7, 'Tutu', 3, 1, Decimal('8.89')), (8, 'Full Nelson', 3, 1, Decimal('2.81')), (9, 'Time After Time', 3, 1, Decimal('9.98')), (10, 'Hannibal', 3, 1, Decimal('7.37')), (0, 'Shhh/Peaceful', 3, 2, Decimal('16.67')), (1, "In A Silent Way/It's About That Time", 3, 2, Decimal('16.67')), (0, 'Rocks Off', 4, 1, Decimal('4.54')), (1, 'Rip This Joint', 4, 1, Decimal('2.38')), (2, 'Shake Your Hips', 4, 1, Decimal('3.00')), (3, 'Casino Boogie', 4, 1, Decimal('3.57')), (4, 'Tumbling Dice', 4, 1, Decimal('3.79')), (5, 'Sweet Virginia', 4, 1, Decimal('4.44')), (6, 'Torn & Frayed', 4, 1, Decimal('4.30')), (7, 'Sweet Black Angel', 4, 1, Decimal('2.97')), (8, 'Loving Cup', 4, 1, Decimal('4.43')), (9, 'Happy', 4, 1, Decimal('3.08')), (10, 'Turd On The Run', 4, 1, Decimal('2.64')), (11, 'Ventilator Blues', 4, 1, Decimal('3.40')), (12, 'I Just Want To See His Face', 4, 1, Decimal('2.90')), (13, 'Let It Loose', 4, 1, Decimal('5.31')), (14, 'All Down The Line', 4, 1, Decimal('3.84')), (15, 'Stop Breaking Down', 4, 1, Decimal('4.57')), (16, 'Shine A Light', 4, 1, Decimal('4.28')), (17, 'Soul Survivor', 4, 1, Decimal('3.82')), (0, 'Breaking Into Heaven', 5, 1, Decimal('11.37')), (1, 'Driving South', 5, 1, Decimal('5.17')), (2, 'Ten Storey Love Song', 5, 1, Decimal('4.50')), (3, 'Daybreak', 5, 1, Decimal('6.56')), (4, 'Your Star Will Shine', 5, 1, Decimal('2.99')), (5, 'Straight To The Man', 5, 1, Decimal('3.26')), (6, 'Begging You', 5, 1, Decimal('4.94')), (7, 'Tightrope', 5, 1, Decimal('4.45')), (8, 'Good Times', 5, 1, Decimal('5.67')), (9, 'Tears', 5, 1, Decimal('6.84')), (10, 'How Do You Sleep', 5, 1, Decimal('4.99')), (11, 'Love Spreads', 5, 1, Decimal('5.79')), (12, 'Untitled', 5, 1, Decimal('6.43')), (0, 'Spinning Around', 6, 1, Decimal('3.46')), (1, 'On A Night Like This', 6, 1, Decimal('3.55')), (2, 'So Now Goodbye', 6, 1, Decimal('3.62')), (3, 'Disco Down', 6, 1, Decimal('3.96')), (4, 'Loveboat', 6, 1, Decimal('4.18')), (5, 'Koocachoo', 6, 1, Decimal('4.00')), (6, 'Your Disco Needs You', 6, 1, Decimal('3.56')), (7, 'Please Stay', 6, 1, Decimal('4.14')), (8, 'Bittersweet Goodbye', 6, 1, Decimal('3.72')), (9, 'Butterfly', 6, 1, Decimal('4.16')), (10, 'Under The Influence Of Love', 6, 1, Decimal('3.40')), (11, "I'm So High", 6, 1, Decimal('3.55')), (12, 'Kids', 6, 1, Decimal('4.34'))]
import csv
f=open(r'C:\Users\tskir\Documents\SQL\Oracle Emp\PostgreSQL\musicDBCSV\played.csv','r')

cur.execute("select * from played")
[(1, 3, 0, datetime.datetime(2006, 8, 14, 10, 21)), (1, 3, 1, datetime.datetime(2006, 8, 14, 10, 25)), (1, 3, 2, datetime.datetime(2006, 8, 14, 10, 30)), (1, 3, 3, datetime.datetime(2006, 8, 14, 10, 36)), (1, 3, 4, datetime.datetime(2006, 8, 14, 10, 41)), (1, 3, 5, datetime.datetime(2006, 8, 14, 10, 43)), (1, 3, 6, datetime.datetime(2006, 8, 14, 10, 47)), (1, 3, 7, datetime.datetime(2006, 8, 14, 10, 54)), (3, 1, 0, datetime.datetime(2006, 8, 15, 14, 0)), (3, 1, 1, datetime.datetime(2006, 8, 15, 14, 26)), (3, 1, 2, datetime.datetime(2006, 8, 15, 14, 33))]

Data Manipulation Language(DML)

SELECT  – query data in the database
INSERT  – insert data into a table
UPDATE  – update data in a table
DELETE  – delete data from a table

cur.execute("select count(*) from artist")
cur.execute("select count(*) from album")
cur.execute("select count(*) from played")
cur.execute("select count(*) from artist")

Close all Connections
