20 Jul 2021
Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB
Use-cases and management benefits of using Azure Table Storage
Use-cases and management benefits of using Azure Blob Storage
Use-cases and management benefits of using Azure File Storage
Use-cases and management benefits of using Azure Cosmos DB
Provision non-relational data services
Explore basic connectivity issues
Explore data security components
Describe Azure Cosmos DB APIs
Describe non-relational Azure storage management
Module 1: Explore Non-relational Data Offerings in Azure
- Identify Azure data services for
- Non-relational workloads
- Describe Azure Cosmos DB
- Azure Table Storage
- Azure Blob Storage
- Azure File storage.
- Explore use-cases and management benefits of using Azure Table Storage, Azure Blob Storage and Azure File Storage, and Azure Cosmos DB.
Module 2: Explore Provisioning and Deploying Non-relational Data Services in Azure
- Explore provisioning and deploying non-relational data services in Microsoft Azure.
- Identify Azure data services for non-relational workloads
- Describe provisioning and deployment of non-relational data services
- Describe methods for deployment
- Azure portal
- Azure Resource Manager templates
- Azure PowerShell
- Azure command-line interface (CLI).
- Identify data security components and basic connectivity issues.
Module 3: Manage Non-relational Data Stores in Azure
- Explore how to manage non-relational data stores in Microsoft Azure.
- Identify management tools for non-relational data
- Upload data to a Cosmos DB database and query this data
- Upload and download data in an Azure Storage account.
20 Jul 2021
Microsoft Azure SQL
Explore the characteristics of relational data
- tables
- indexes
- views
Explore relational data workload offerings
Explore the characteristics of non-relational data
Define types of non-relational data
Describe types of non-relational and NoSQL databases
Learn about data ingestion and processing
Explore data visualization
Explore data analytics
Module 1: Relational Data Services in Microsoft Azure
Describe and compare PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS solutions.
- Describe Azure SQL database services including Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, and SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machine.
- Describe Azure Synapse Analytics and Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Azure Database for MariaDB, and Azure Database for MySQL.
Module 2: Explore provisioning, deploying, and querying relational data in Azure
- The provisioning, deploying, and querying of relational data in Microsoft Azure.
Main methods for deployment including the Azure portal, Azure Resource Manager templates, Azure PowerShell, and the Azure command-line interface (CLI).
- Identify data security components such as firewalls, authentication and explore basic connectivity issues such as accessing from on-premises, access with Azure VNets, access from the Internet, authentication, firewalls.
- Data Definition Language (DDL) versus Data Manipulation Language (DML), and query relational data in Azure SQL Database, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, and Azure Database for MySQL.
20 Jul 2021
DP-900 : Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Notes
Important note: The notes are prepared from Exam DP-900: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals
Explore Core Data Concepts in Microsoft Azure
Module 1 - Azure Data Fundamentals: Explore core data concepts
Module 2: Azure Data Fundamentals: Explore relational data in Azure
Module 3: Azure Data Fundamentals: Explore non-relational data in Azure
Module 4:Azure Data Fundamentals: Explore modern data warehouse analytics in Azure
08 Jul 2021
Follow the SQL Trail
- Relational Model
- Keys and Constraints
- SQL Basics
- Advanced SQL
- Stored Procedures
- Triggers
- Indexes
- Windows Functions
Database Design
- ER Model
- ER to Relational Model
- Functional Dependency
- Normalization
- Concurrency control
- Locking Protocol
- Two-Phase Locking
- B+ Trees
- Hashing
Practice Excercise
08 Jul 2021
Define the following
Reference: Fundamentals of Database Systems - Elmasri & Navathe and Database Management System - Korth
- Data Abstraction
- Data model
- Database Schema
- Database State
- Schema
- Instance
- Data independence
- Database Languages
- Query language
- Client/Server architecture
- Three-tier architecture
- n-tier architecture.