Java Oops Ch5 Passingandreturningobjects

Objects as parameters


class Op
    int a;
    int b;
    Op(int a,int b)
    boolean equalTo(Op o)
      if(o.a==a &&o.b==b) return true;
      else return false;
class Main
    public static void main(String args[])
      Op t1=new Op(10,20);
      Op t2=new Op(10,20);
      Op t3=new Op(11,21);
      System.out.println("t1 == t2: " + t1.equalTo(t2));
 System.out.println("t1 == t3: " + t1.equalTo(t3));


t1 == t2: true
t1 == t3: false

Java Oops Ch4 Overloading Methodconstructor

Overloading methods

  • Methods can have the same names within the same class but should have different parameter declaration.
  • Method overloading is one of the ways that Java supports polymorphism.


class Op
    int a;
    int b;
    int operation(int a)
      int square=a*a;
      return square;
    int operation(int a,int b)
      int add=a+b;
      return add;
class Main
    public static void main(String args[])
      Op o=new Op();
      System.out.println("Sqaure value: "+o.operation(10));
       System.out.println("Addition value: "+o.operation(10,20));


Sqaure value: 100
Addition value: 30

Overloading Constructors

  • If the required variables are not initalized properly then overloading the constructor will handle the improper initialization.


class Op
    int a;
    int b;
       Op(int a)
           Op(int a,int b)
    int multiply()
      int mul=a*b;
      return mul;
class Main
    public static void main(String args[])
      Op o1=new Op();
      Op o2=new Op(10);
      Op o3=new Op(10,20);
      System.out.println("No values provided: "+o1.multiply());
       System.out.println("One values provided: "+o2.multiply());
      System.out.println("Both values provided: "+o3.multiply());


No values provided: 1
One values provided: 100
Both values provided: 200

Java Oops Ch3 This Finalize Gc

this Keyword

  • If the local variables in the class and the parameters for the formal parameters for the method are same then local variables hides the instance variables.
  • this can be used inside any method to refer to the current object.

    Example without this Keyword:

class Rectangle
   double width;
   double height;
  Rectangle(double width, double height)
  double perimeter()
    double p= 2*(width+height);
    return p;
 class Main
 public static void main(String args[])
   Rectangle rec1=new Rectangle(10,20);
   double vol;
    vol=rec1.width * rec1.height; 
   System.out.println("Rectangle 1 area:  "+vol);
   System.out.println("Rectangle 1 perimeter method:  "+rec1.perimeter());


Rectangle 1 area: 0.0
Rectangle 1 perimeter method: 0.0

Example with this keyword

class Rectangle
   double width;
   double height;
  Rectangle(double width, double height)
  double perimeter()
    double p= 2*(width+height);
    return p;
 class Main
 public static void main(String args[])
   Rectangle rec1=new Rectangle(10,20);
   double vol;
    vol=rec1.width * rec1.height; 
   System.out.println("Rectangle 1 area:  "+vol);
   System.out.println("Rectangle 1 perimeter method:  "+rec1.perimeter());


Rectangle 1 area: 100.0
Rectangle 1 perimeter method: 40.0

Garbage Collection

  • When we create an object with new then the dynamic allocation of memory occurs.
  • In C++ you have to use keyword delete to manually deallocate the memory.
  • But in Java; it deallocated automatically. The technique is called Garbage Collection.
  • When no references to an object exist, that object is assumed to be no longer needed, and the memory occupied by the object can be reclaimed.

    Finalize() method

  • Sometimes an object will need to perform some action when it is destroyed. For example, if an object is holding some non-Java resource such as a file handle or character font, then you might want to make sure these resources are freed before an object is destroyed. To handle such situations, Java provides a mechanism called finalization.
  • finalize( ) is only called just prior to garbage collection.


protected void finalize( )
// finalization code here

Java Oops Ch2 Constructors



A constructor initializes an object immediately upon creation.

Important points:

  • It is a tedious task to initialize the variables everytime the object is created.
  • Java allows objects to be automatically initialized with the help of constructors.
  • Constructor has the same name as the class where it resides and syntactically similar to methods.
  • Constructor is automatically called when objects are created, before new operator is completed.
  • Constructors has no return type not even void.
  • Implicit return type of class constructor is class type itself.

Types of constructors: Default(No arguments) and Parameterized.

Default Constructors:

Constructors with no arguments.


class Rectangle
   double width;
   double height;
  double perimeter()
    double p= 2*(width+height);
    return p;
 class Main
 public static void main(String args[])
   Rectangle rec1=new Rectangle();
   double vol;
    vol=rec1.width * rec1.height; 
   System.out.println("Rectangle 1 area:  "+vol);
   System.out.println("Rectangle 1 perimeter method:  "+rec1.perimeter());

### Result: Rectangle 1 area: 200.0
Rectangle 1 perimeter method: 60.0 ## Parameterized Constructors

  • Default constructors are not very useful as they does not initialze the constructors.
  • Solution: use parameterized constructors when we initialize the instance variables while creation of the class. ### Example
 class Rectangle
   double width;
   double height;
  Rectangle(double w, double h)
  double perimeter()
    double p= 2*(width+height);
    return p;
 class Main
 public static void main(String args[])
   Rectangle rec1=new Rectangle(10,20);
   double vol;
    vol=rec1.width * rec1.height; 
   System.out.println("Rectangle 1 area:  "+vol);
   System.out.println("Rectangle 1 perimeter method:  "+rec1.perimeter());

### Result Rectangle 1 area: 200.0
Rectangle 1 perimeter method: 60.0

Java Oops Ch1 Classobject



Class are the bluprint of the object.


class classname {
    type variable1;
    type variable2;
    type variable3; ...
    type function1(parameter-list){
        //body of the function1
    type function2(parameter-list){
        //body of the function2

Example for class creation

class Rectangle
   double width;
   double height;


Object is the instance of the class.

Example for the object creation

Rectangle rec = new Rectangle();

new operator

  • Dynamically allocates memory for the object. The memory is allocated at the runtime. Any number of objects can be created. If memory is not sufficient then the new will rise runtime exception.

Important Definitions:

  • The data or varialbes declared in the class are called as the instance variables.
  • Code is written in function or method.
  • Instance variables and methods together are called members of a class.
  • Class is a logic construct and the object is physical reality.

Example with 2 objects for a class.

class Rectangle
   double width;
   double height;
 class Main
 public static void main(String args[])
   Rectangle rec1=new Rectangle();
   Rectangle rec2=new Rectangle();
   double vol;
    vol=rec1.width * rec1.height; 
   System.out.println("Rectangle 1 area:  "+vol);
    vol=rec2.width * rec2.height; 
   System.out.println("Rectangle 2 area:  "+vol);

### Result: Rectangle 1 area: 120.0
Rectangle 2 area: 22.0

Assigning object reference variables

Rectangle rec1=new Rectangle();
  • Both rec1 and rec2 will be pointing to the same object. Assignment operator will not allocate new memory.

    Methods or functions


type name(parameter-list){
//body of method
  • type is the type of the data returned by method. If nothing to be returned then the type should be void.
  • If the method is returning any value then the function should end with
    return value;

Example adding methods to Rectangle

class Rectangle
   double width;
   double height;
  double perimeter()
    double p= 2*(width+height);
    return p;
 class Main
 public static void main(String args[])
   Rectangle rec1=new Rectangle();
   Rectangle rec2=new Rectangle();
   double vol;
    vol=rec1.width * rec1.height; 
   System.out.println("Rectangle 1 area:  "+vol);
   System.out.println("Rectangle 1 perimeter method:  "+rec1.perimeter());
    vol=rec2.width * rec2.height; 
   System.out.println("Rectangle 2 area:  "+vol);
   System.out.println("Rectangle 2 perimeter method:  "+rec2.perimeter());


Rectangle 1 area: 120.0
Rectangle 1 perimeter method: 44.0
Rectangle 2 area: 22.0
Rectangle 2 perimeter method: 26.0

Method that takes parameters

class Square
   double width;
   double area(double w)
    double p= width*width;
    return p;
 class Main
 public static void main(String args[])
   Square s1=new Square();
     System.out.println("Square are: "+s1.area(10.0));

### Result Square are: 100.0